Violin, Piano & Viola private lessons vidoes

Dr. Leana Strouse has more than 30 years experience succesfully teaching and nurturing students of all ages in mastering Violin, Piano and Viola.


Contact 954 - 881 - 3529 for Piano, Violin and Viola Lessons.

Learning the right way with Leana - music instructor in Coral Springs The Russian-American violinist and pianist Leanna Strouse was born in Moscow and received a Bachelor of Music degree in Violin and Piano from the Belgorod Music College.

She also has a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Performing from Kharkov State Conservatory and received her advanced academic degree in 2013. At age 8, Leana won the Special Award for Gifted Children at the Preparatory Music School in Smolensk. While working on her Bachelor’s Degree in Belgorod Music College, she received many performance awards. Her teachers included Vladimir Michelevich (student of Leopold Auer), Adolf Leschinsky (student of Karl Flesch), Rebecca Klementskaja (student of Peter Stoljarsky) and many other individuals famous within the USSR.

From 1991-1996, Leana was the conductor of the Sumy Youth Orchestra. Her many other awards include first prize at the 1991 International Chamber Music Competition in Belgorod, a special prize at the 1992 Regional Competition “Spring Violins” in Vladimir and first prizes at the State Chamber Orchestra Competitions in 1993, 1994 and 1995. Leana was also on the faculty of the Bortnjansky Music College and as a Head of the String Department at Sumy’s Central Music School.

Before leaving the Soviet Union, Leana enjoyed a growing reputation by touring extensively as a soloist and conductor. In addition, Leana graduated the Kiev Linguistic University in 1996.

Congratulations to all my students who won at these fine arts musical competitions & awards!

The State Concerto Competition: 2021

Strings Junior Category

  • Honorable Mention - Ivan Kalashnykov (student of Leana Strouse)

State Federation results: May 20, 2021

Hello my Dear Students and Parents,

State Federation results are here!

First of all Thank You to all my students coming to Federation recording on time. Recording went smoothly and professionally! Thanks to Natasha Kalashnykova for helping with the computer equipment and recording process.

My congratulations to Ivan Kalashnykov winning a special endowed award for Junior Outstanding Violist and to John-Paul Younes for winning all 1st Prizes in Advanced Levels!

My congratulations to all my winners:

  • Jacob Atkinson - Violin Duet
  • Elizabeth Athanson - Violin-Viola Duet
  • Deniz Aral - Violin Solo, Violin Duet
  • Sarah Brown - Violin Solo, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Tiffany Chen - Violin Duet, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Anabela DaSilva - Violin Duet, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Gabrielle Daley - Piano Solo
  • Rebekkah Daley - Viola Solo, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Sohail Hai - Violin Solo, Viola Solo, Violin Duet, Viola Duet, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Neha Joseph - Violin Solo, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Raz Kashuv - Violin Solo, Viola Solo, Viola Duet, Violin-Viola Duet
  • Ivan Kalashnykov - Violin Concerto, Viola Solo, Viola Concerto, Violin Duet, Viola Duet, Violin-Viola Duet, Fiddling Solo
  • Wallis McGuire - Fiddling Solo
  • Valerie Younes - Violin Solo, Viola Solo, Viola Concerto, Viola Duet, Violin-Viola Duet
  • John-Paul Younes - Violin Solo, Violin Concerto, Viola Solo, Viola Concerto, Fiddling Solo

We won total 43 events with 63 trophies (multiple trophies for duet events). Trophies will arrive very soon. Thank you for your outstanding work! I am so proud of my class! Keep going like this!

Reminder, the Summer Recital will take place on Sunday June 6, 2021 at 1 PM. Location: Christ Church, 10021 W. Sample Road, Coral Springs, 33065. Recital color is Turquoise.

Yours, Dr. Leana Strouse, the proudest teacher ever!

2021 State Competition Winners

Concerto competition winners 2021:

  • Ivan Kalashnykov, Junior level.
  • Wallis McGuire, Intermediate level.

Student Day Competition Winners 2021:

  • John-Paul Younes - level 9.
  • Valerie Younes - level 7.
  • Neha Joseph- level 5.
  • Tiffany Chen - level 4.
  • Sohail Hai - level 3.
  • Ivan Kalashnykov- level 2.
  • Anabela DaSilva - level 2.
  • Deniz Aral - level 2.

Golden Cup winners 2021:

  • 3rd Golden Cup, 45 points - John-Paul Younes.
  • 2nd Golden Cup, 30 points: Neha Joseph, Raz Kashuv, John-Paul Younes.
  • 1st Golden Cup, 15 points: Deniz Aral, Tiffany Chen, Anabela DaSilva, Ivan Kalashnykov, Raz Kashuv.

Excellent job, guys. Especially in pandemic.

2019 State Competition Winners

  • Deniz Azal - violin
  • Tiffany Chen - violin
  • Elizabeth Joe - violin
  • Neha Joseph - violin
  • Ivan Kalashnykov - violin viola
  • Raz Kashuv - violin viola
  • Kevin Liu - violin piano
  • Wallis McGuire - violin viola
  • Dorizabelle Northecide - violin fiddling viola
  • Hope Pallmann - Viola-violin duet
  • Daniela Velez - piano violin
  • John-Paul Younes - piano violin viola
  • Pierre Younes - piano violin viola
  • Valerie Younes - piano violin viola
  • David Zang - fiddling violin

2018 State Competition Winners

  • Neha Joseph - violin;
  • Raz Kashuv - violin viola;
  • Kevin Liu - violin piano;
  • Wallis McGuire - violin fiddling viola;
  • Daniela Velez - piano violin;
  • John-Paul Younes - piano violin viola;
  • Pierre Younes - piano violin viola;
  • Valerie Younes - piano violin viola;
  • Oscar Zeng - piano violin;

2017 State Competition Winners

Neha Joseph, Valerie Younes, Raz Kashuv, Youval Kashuv, Wallis McGuire, Hope Pullman, Oscar Zeng, John-Paul Younes, Pierre Younes, Dorizabelle Northecide, Daniela Velez, Travis Waters

2017 Scholarships

Amanda Walenciak (“American Heritage” Full Scholarship), Pierre Younes (“American Heritage” Full Scholarship), Travis Waters (“American Heritage” Partial Scholarship)

2017 District Concerto Competition Winners

Wallis McGuire, John-Paul Younes

2017 Student Day Honor Recipient

Neha Joseph, Valerie Younes, Wallis McGuire, Oscar Zeng, John-Paul Younes, Pierre Younes, Dorizabelle Northecide, Daniela Velez, Travis Waters

2014 District Concerto Competition

Pierre Younes (1st place), Joyce Guo (honorable mention), Dorizabelle Northecide (Honorable Mention), Matthew Satar (honorable mention), Amanda Walenciak (2nd place), Tom McGuire (honorable mention)


Amanda Walenciak (full 2014), Matthew Zhu (full 2011), Dorizabelle Northecide (partial), Travis Waters (partial)

2011 Pompano Competition:

Andrea Wheeler - piano

2011 District Concerto Competition:

Matthew Satar - violin ; Shang Chen - violin ; Tom McGuire - violin, viola ; Joshua Lubben - cello, piano

2011 State Junior Convention:

Max Benaroch - piano ; Rachel Benaroch - cello ; Brandom Boothe - piano ; Joyce Guo - violin ; Tom McGuire - violin, viola ; Bryce McGuire - piano ; Thomes Magloire - violin, viola ; Dorizabelle Northecide - violin ; Matthew Satar - violin ; Dasia Scott ; Daniela Velez - piano ; Travis Waters - piano ; Andrea Wheeler - piano

2011 Student Day (100% score):

Brandom Boothe - piano ; Andrea Wheeler - piano ; Daniela Velez - piano ; Amanda Walenciak - violin, viola ; Matthew Satar - violin ; Dorizabelle Northecide - violin ; Travis Waters - piano ; Bryce McGuire - piano ; Tom McGuire - violin, viola

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